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Pros & Cons
It runs just fine on my dell inspiron 64 bit windows 7 laptop computer. Installing and updating was no problem. If you get lucky, but it's likely you'll have to get more manual.
Cyber link's photo director 7 ultra is a cut above the above alternatives. The user interface is intuitive and reasonably easy to master. If you have no acceptable photo editing application, this is worth every penny.
Photodirector is a great alternative from photoshop lightroom. Lightroom's interface is the best of breed imo because you can customize the ui.
My biggest beef with this program is how it saves stuff. With photodirector, it doesn't automatically save a single file to your original folder.
Photodirector 7 may actually be even worse than it's predecessors. Tech support was clearly outsourced overseas. The tech support is among the worse i've ever experienced.
Versatile tools such as layer-based editing, pro-level blur effects, and color presets open up new avenues of creativity.
The ability to cut and color correct, as well as prosaic stuff like adding watermarks simply and easily are great features.
It does not scale well to high dpi displays (tiny, tiny fonts) and i dislike how the organizer and editor exist in separate modules.
The best thing about this is you can load the software on all your computers and there's no subscription needed.
At $99, i think this is a great value and will serve hobbyists as well and many professionals.
Plus paying less than $50 for it made it a steal.
The upgrade doesn't justify thesteep price in my opinion.
Download was easy (using windows 10)- just don't toss the packaging since you need the number inside to activate the program.
I have never used a photo editing software before other than apps and iphoto and its very user friendly although i am still lea... Read More
After downloading and trialing nearly a dozen photo programs to replace picasa (which is no longer supported by google), photod... Read More
Anyway, on photodirector, i found the ui to be slightly cluttered but much better than most of the others i tried (such as fast... Read More
However, i found the auto edit function to produce inferior results to both picasa and lightroom.
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many, easy, good and still. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 2.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 54.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 60 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 13 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The upgrade doesnt justify thesteep price in my opinion
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do prefer photodirector over photoshop elements or whatever they are calling the lite versionof photoshop
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When choosing between this and photoshop lightroom it was real close but ultimately not having to pay a subscription fee pushed me over to cyberlink photodirector
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Plus paying less than 50 for it made it a steal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hard to understand but good program
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One of the neatest and easiest to use features of this program include layer editing and the ability to remove people such as exspouses boyfriends girlfriends and objects such as ugly power lines and poles from photos while leaving virtually no evidence of those changes in the final results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My other programs will do those things but they require a great deal more skill and effort to obtain the same final result
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had to hunt and peck for awhile as i was new to its layout
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