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Pros & Cons
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Easy To Swallow
Customers generally find D Mannose Capsules easy to swallow, with some expressing satisfaction with their overall experience of using the product for UTI relief. Some have been taking it regularly for extended periods without any reported issues.
Effective For Bladder Control
Customers report that D Mannose Capsules are effective in helping them manage bladder control issues such as urgency, frequency, and spasms. Some customers have seen significant improvement after taking the supplement daily for a few weeks, while others have noticed immediate relief. The product is also praised for being reasonably priced and easy to swallow. However, some customers mention that they have not experienced any change in their urine production despite taking the supplements regularly.
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Uti Prevention
Customers report mixed results on D Mannose Capsules for UTI prevention, with some stating it has significantly reduced their occurrences while others claim it doesn't prevent UTIs at all. The majority of positive reviews suggest taking the capsules daily as a preventative measure and experiencing relief from symptoms when they do get an infection.
I take two a day and that is just perfect, easy to swallow.
Works super well for interstitial cystitis, makes it much more bearable
I had an unusual set of uti's over about 8 months, and could not pinpoint the reason.
I don’t know if it’s this product or a miracle but after some very scary emergency admits to the hospital and a week inpatient ... Read More
Reasonably priced; very effective for my bladder control; it is easy to swallow.
Less costly and higher mg so will stick with this brand as seems to be keeping everything running smoothly.
The pills work great but they cost o lot for people in canada
Always comes on time (received by subscription) at a decent price.
Highly satisfied with the packaging and took one right away!
This product has worked tremendously for me, it's way better than azo
I use to get a lot of uti's, especially since menopause and this little miracle pill has made all the difference for me.
Went from another brand to this one, just to try it out.
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great, good, better, daily and easy. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1046.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,307 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 19 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I took it for about a month before it kicked in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found another product that works better for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would recommend this product for someone else to try
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unlike other supplements that i hope are doing something for me i know these are because if i see miss a couple of days almost immediately will feel like a uti is coming
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So ill take 2 before bed and bam that feeling is gone but when i take 1 daily i never feel like a uti
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My elderly father was getting uti’s and was repeatedly hospitalized for them over the past six months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A home health nurse told me about dmannise and i asked his doctors if it was ok to try
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They had never heard of it but said no indications on label that it would be problem so approved it
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