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Pros & Cons
The level of sweetness is perfect, allowing you to enjoy it without the harmful effects of sugar. The amount needed is similar to a sugar-based syrup because the sweetness is just right. Totally fine for any of us who are used to sugar-free things (li... Read More
The butterscotch caramel tastes good in everything. The texture is just like the sugared mix so i love it! It tastes like chocolate!
Have repurchased multiple times. Love the taste and affordability. It looks classy, too!
This product is over priced for the yield, which is misleading. Will not be purchasing again. It's not inflation, it's corporate greed.
Coffee (2 cups measured in coffee maker)1 tbsp protein powder1/2 tbsp dark cocoa powder1 tbsp cookie dough flavor2-3 tbsp stevi... Read More
Initially, i bought it to flavor coffee beverages, but its versatility and great taste make it ideal for milk, plant-based milk... Read More
No amount of shaking it would restore the original flavor that i experienced from the first bottle.
I've tried lots of sugar free syrups for my coffee, but this one is the only one that didn't have that metallic after taste.
Very happy with the price and the product itself.
This is a required item in my household now and this is the best price i have found.
It's a little costly - but worth it for the taste!
Will be buying again if price stays pretty consistent.
I saw it at costco and gave it a try and finished that and ended up ordering more but on amazon.
I received a soft ice machine for christmas to save my teeth and this is a perfect way to make my own snow cones!
It's better tasting than any i have found on the shelves in stores by various brands.
I got this syrup as a cheaper alternative to the usual syrup i buy.
Flavor is more favorable than some brands .
- How are reviewers describing this item?
cherry, free, good, great and caramel. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 19,491 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 12 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A lot of zero sugar products taste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I saw it at costco and gave it a try and finished that and ended up ordering more but on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Coffee taste better for me now
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Have been looking for a sugarfree strawberry syrup in the markets for a while
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I stomped across this one on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They have the biggest variety of sugar free syrups
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I put chocolate protein powder 1
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its flavor made me think of a tootsie roll
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