Pros & Cons
It's a great gift for anyone passionate about photography. It is easy to use and takes really good photos, and makes short videos.
Screen is not hd, it's a bit fuzzy and not clear. Zoom gets blurry if you zoom a lot in and take a photo.
For a child's camera it's got a really good quality lens and my little boy can't wait to take it on days out and on our holidays with him!
It has a spare battery so he doesn't have to worry about it running out when we're on days out.
30%0:00stream type liveseek to live, currently behind liveliveremaining time -0:22 1xplayback ratechapterschaptersdescriptionsd... Read More
Good camera, zooming in makes the pictures quite blury
Gave as a gift surprised there was no memory card in the box.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Play videoplaymutecurrent time 000duration 022loaded 27
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Gave as a gift surprised there was no memory card in the box