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Pros & Cons
The powder dissolves well and could certainly be added to a smoothie, oatmeal, etc. If a regular user of high absorption powdered magnesium, this flavor is a definite improvement over unflavored. It mixes/dissolves fine for me.
The taste isn't great, but a nice peachy taste i find pleasant. The flavor reminds me of sweet tarts, but peach flavored.
Love this magnesium powder. It seems to work just as well, but requires more powder usage then the kal product measurement.
Taste is unpleasant, doesn't dissolve well, but more importantly, didn't help with my leg cramps.
It’s nice to find a good tasting magnesium glycinate that’s easy to take and delivers very effective relaxing results.
I really like it: great peach flavor, dissolves fairly easily (mix it promptly or it gets gummy on the bottom of the glass), ab... Read More
Stress does one or two things stops up or flushes my system.
One scoop with 12oz of water and i was running to the bathroom within an hour!
Very great taste for being so healthy and great value for the price
I’ve tried several doctor’s best supplements in the last year and been extremely happy with the results for the price.
I just wish it was priced lower.
It seems expensive but it does have a good bit of servings, so it's worth it to me.
I tried one jar of it, but now i am using the more economical mag glyciinate capsules, either doctors best or qunol brands do well for me.
Used the much more expensive hydromag for years before finding dr's best.
I've experienced the same effects that i did with the pure brand capsules.
I just use half the amount of water to mix as i did the kal brand, i prefer the tartness mixing it this way.
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great, good, best and tried. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 50.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 562 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have a lot of gut issues and very sensitive tummy and this does not bother it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
First of all the manufacturer has one start with one small scoop provided half the recommended daily dose
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If that works it will double the number of doses per container
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wanted to sure no magnesium is left unabsorbed in the gi tract
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He says he’s never slept better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It took a month or two for him to begin seeing results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You dont get much but the flavor is awesome
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont find issue with it but maybe because i do he 2 scoops with 1216 ounces of water and down the hatch
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