This book has ethical case studies and with some great explanations into ways to deal with the different scenarios.
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medical, great, good, ethical and helpful. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 61 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 14 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is book has many case studies which encompass important medical issues however it is certainly overpriced
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Similar books can be found in an university library
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The author talks about medical cases that almost every physician is bound to face at some point in hisher career
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think that to be truly knowledgeable on different ethical dilemnas you have to be willing and able to understand both sides of the issue
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
By no way does this book provide you the answer to every scenario
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Which medical student hasnt read this book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im saying this because this book is read by almost every premed student
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The format of the book was generally an explanation of a medical ethics principle with case studies to reiterate the authors points
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