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Pros & Cons
Goodpet's golden age formula. I have 2 cats with ibs & so they're very sensitive to anything that can cause digestive upset. Add up to 3 teaspoons of water to foods w/gravy and pour 1 or so over pate style as my cat's don't like their pate to turn... Read More
This seems to lessen his congestion and sneezing and coughing. I believe this contributed to a speedy recovery of a recent rescue’s kennel cough.
It mixes well & doesn't seem to change the flavor of their food. My cats eat it with tuna. They are very picky.
Seems to be good quality & at a great price!
I'm very impressed with this product and just ordered another bottle.
The first 2 i used mega c which is a similar product.
Overall, my sense is that this is a company committedto quality pet care and clean formulas.
There was no scoop in the bottle as stated on the label.
It is a little hard to get it out of the bottle.
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great, good and still. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 68.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 179 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 19 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I did take it to my veterinarian and had him ok it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There was no scoop in the bottle as stated on the label
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I accidentally ordered this the buffered vitamin c as opposed to the acidic form which i wanted to help with struvite crystals in my male cats urine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My abyssinian cat had a horrible case of miliary dermatitis scabs all over his neck and back
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I read in a holistic cat boo that high doses of vitamin c act as an antihistamine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She was on some very pricey herbal treatments as well as the standard glycosamine and a strict daily exercise regime
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While i still do the latter i never found the glucosamine or the other herbal treatments to make much of a of difference but continued glucosamine just to be on the safe side
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found a little more hope with some holistic treatments but not much
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