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Pros & Cons
Just the right bounce to allow you to do more spins and other shots. This is the ball to purchase if you play pickleball on an outdoor court. To hit topspin well, though, the paddle is very important because it's tougher to lift these balls.
These balls are not playable. The holes are irregular (which designates indoor balls) and they do not function well on outdoor courts. They will not bounce like a spherical object should.
They are not durable at all. At all. They seem old and brittle. Looks like a bad batch from manufacturing or they heated up during transit.
The shipping packaging is a plastic bag making the balls subject to the weight of other shipped items. I think it's time to switch back to the softer slower balls since all of the faster balls lose their shape almost immediately.
Every game is chalked full of awkward shots with sideways bounces off the ground. Drop serves are impossible with the dura because any drop from waist-high or higher causes the ball to bounce sideways. I believe paddles make a small difference once yo... Read More

So far these pickle balls have been very durable one of the places i play you have to provide your own pickle balls and these h... Read More
Solid, maintaining shape, decent durability, great drop, great spin, good bounce.
I haven't come across any quality control problems or had it pointed out while playing them.
Each ball only lasts about one game before becoming to deformed to use for any future matches.
These are affordable and do the job.
There have been several videos tests for all the different brands of balls, dura’s were consistently at the top.
The bounce to them is much less than some of the other brand balls that i have and have used.
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great, good, cracked, quality and crack. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 146.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 4,088 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not all pickleballs are created equal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However they are not long lasting break rather quickly easily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I play outdoors in az and the duras dont seem to soften up or even crack very quickly like some reviews
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont mind playing franklins once we move into the winter and spring weather here in az because they dont soften up like they do in the summer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I havent come across any quality control problems or had it pointed out while playing them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Great ball but when it goes out of round it gets a little lumpy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not as good as the g2s for casual rec use and wind but that is to be expected from a tournament ball
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These balls work good unless there is any wind then they blow all over the place
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