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Pros & Cons
Dulcis can also be taken before drinking to prevent feelings of intoxication. I notice much less hangover fogginess the next day and symptoms don't last as long. I like that it contains minimal vitamins/electrolytes because the b12 in some other suppl... Read More
These capsules are bigger than the regular dhm supplements. I like that they don't cram a bunch of vitamins in this pill. Would like packaging to be a bottle instead of a large card with 4 pills in blister packs.
Dhm works perfectly to prevent a hangover. It has more dhm than a lot of other products on the market and also electrolytes for replenishing from a hard night of drinking. Comes in a 32 oz water bottle.

It is a supplement that helps clear alcohol out of your system more quickly and with less damage to your liver (this has been c... Read More
Use these along with a product called drinkwel to basically eliminate any hangover.
As a daily drinker who wants to cut back but not quit, i have been actively looking for supplements that help reduce consumptio... Read More
Doesn’t cure hangovers, however makes it better than nothing.
These work well and are a good price
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- This product had a total of 512 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 14 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Last night i drank 45ths of a bottle of wine my wife drank the other 15 followed by a mixed drink
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is usually enough that i wouldnt feel my best the next day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I took three of these pills and woke up this morning rested and feeling as if i hadnt imbibed at all
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Speaking on behalf of most daily drinkers we want to cut back but are usually stymied by a lack of willpower after that first drink
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have mixed feelings about dhm because it is a supplement that does not help reduce consumption try kudzu for that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If i could get down to two glasses of wine every night id be elated
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But as a next best option dhm allows me to drink my admittedly too much 56 servings of alcohol and wake up feeling rested
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My main criticism is that these pills are hard to swallow
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