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Pros & Cons
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Customers generally find the Ergodyne Chill Its cooling bandana comfortable, quick drying, and effective in keeping them cool during hot weather activities such as working outside or playing sports. However, a few customers have mentioned that the bandanas are initially stiff and rough against the skin but soften after washing.
Cooling Efficiency
Customers have generally positive opinions about the cooling efficiency of the Ergodyne Chill Its 6700CT Cooling Bandana. Most users report that it keeps them cool while working or exercising, especially in hot temperatures. Some mention that it takes less time to activate and stays thin unlike other cooling products. However, a small group of customers have reported that the bandana did not help with cooling at all.
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Moisture Retention
Customers have mixed opinions regarding the moisture retention of the cooling bandanas. While most agree that they effectively keep sweat out of their eyes, some are disappointed with their ability to stay wet and cool for extended periods.

I love this product owned many great for outside working to help keep you cool and you just soke it again in cold water easy an... Read More
These calling bandannas come in really handy over the summer months definitely help keep body temperature down easy to use
The idea is there but for the job it was needed for, these cool neck ties did not perform well.
There are whole hats that have this technology in it.
Not as well as i had thought, but good enough for the price.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
cool, great, cold, good and down. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 9,227 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 8 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The idea is there but for the job it was needed for these cool neck ties did not perform well
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
During the summer a commercial kitchen can reach upwards toward 90 degrees
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Used kept cooler but it absorbed sweat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just out of the package it felt stiff and strange but i dunked it in some cold water after reading the package and it formed perfectly to my head
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive used the type of headband with tiny crystals inside that swell when they get wet
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The title says it all it’s the arizona ascot with cooling power
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There are whole hats that have this technology in it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The dude i bought them for loved them more then he did me
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