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Pros & Cons
The capturing quality of the videos again is great and the night capture is pretty decent as well. The night vision, clarity, resolution, pan and tilt as well as ai capabilities make this e340 floodlight camera a very solid purchase in my personal opi... Read More
The wifi signal is good which surprised me. This works just with my router and the eufy app. This camera is their best because of it's wi-fi and available options for setting up their wi-fi in the app.
The brightness of the lights are adjustable, which is nice. There's one minor bug with light brightness always resetting to 100% if you choose ambient light option.
The camera comes nicely boxed and upon opening it you're greeted with the camera protected by a molded plastic shell. The camera follows the subject which i think is awesome. And it's time to erase some of those notes.
The eufy camera has a 360 degree range of motion/vision with pan/tilt which is ideal in any security camera. The camera can rotate to whatever angle you point the camera, using the phone app. Here's a breakdown of its key strengths and weaknesses.
It's very lacking as far as motion detection and playback. If an event happens during the night that i want to go back and see footage of when it happened i’d have to scroll back through all the recorded footage.
The app is excruciating to use. The wi-fi connection isn't great compared to my other cameras.
Now it's not usable. I'm now sure this camera is completely unreliable!
Eufy is doing something wrong with the installation kits. They are not worth the money long term and i would steer clear of them! This is completely unacceptable. Buyer beware buy any other camera, stay away from this company.
Built quality is great and videos are detailed.
I came out pleasantly surprised at the quality and ease of setup.
If you get lucky and the perfect view shows up where you want it to you're in luck but i have tried everything aside from movin... Read More
The app works good for the must part but i have seen that it works best if you close it completly even from your phone recent a... Read More
A decent value for the money if the annoyance can be overlooked.
I did a screen shot off of it of me and the ol lady, zoomed in on it to make a picture, looks great!
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quality, good and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 875 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 17 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A coworker suggested this brand to me because they do not need a subscription
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was skeptical at first not buying a major player brand
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Everything went well for me and i had a complicated setup where i had to wire in a new box
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The ai is not always correct though as should be expected
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A couple of times i have had a scary notification at 3am that 34somebody has been spotted34 and it was a moth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One time was super eery as it was a moth flying erratically on the sidewalk and looked exactly like human eyes bobbing up and down walking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Another time a spider built a nest near the microphone and his legs made this loud hammering sound that was very unsettling but it was an anomaly of a small creature being right on top of the mic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The spiders will also build webs and their silk looks like some kind of alien floating orbs of white light in the middle of your viewfield
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