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Pros & Cons
The spearmint lemongrass send is fresh and energizing, without being overpowering. Great scent and isn't too overpowering or linger on your hands.
The everyone soap company makes a great product. Complete life saver. I bought the mega-size generic soap refills at cvs and once these bottles were empty i refilled them with that soap and no one has noticed.
If it didn't consistently arrive leaking, i’d give it 5. No one wants this hassle for soap, nor do i want partially emptied bottles at this price point.
The soap says lavender and coconut with calendula and camomile. Days later the blisters scab over, my fingers become scaly, and the scab become painful to the touch.

Smells good, lathers up very well, does not feel harsh, and leaves my hands feeling good, not dry, no residue.
This hand soap clean extremely well, rinses easily and my hands are not dried out from it at all.
I wash my hands constantly and i had been using method foaming soap or other hand soaps i was grabbing at target and my hands w... Read More
It's kind to my skin, hypoallergenic, vegan and gluten free and claims no animal testing, no icky stuff like parabens, harsh ch... Read More
I love the smell of the soap as well as the price for a pack of three.
I think it does a good job cleaning hands and for a great price!
I didn't want dollar store cheap hand soap but wanted to get a good deal on soap that would smell good for my guests.
75-ounce bottles come in a convenient pack of three, with a delightful lemon and mandarin scent.
I try to find different brands and scents.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, good, dry, clean and nice. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1613.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 32,193 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 30 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most hand soaps would get my hands very dry and chapped
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I try to find different brands and scents
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I love the smell and feel of it and hate when it runs out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So sad they have discontinued this scent in their line
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fragrance is light and airy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt form suds but definitely cleans your hands without feeling like you are putting bad chemicals in your pores every time you wash your hands
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Does not eat up my skin like other soaps do
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had to purchase more and when i run out again will be purchasing more
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