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Pros & Cons
It's not his horror genre, but a great adventure story with his knack of drawing you into the lives of people you grow to care about. As he navigates this perilous place, king weaves themes of good versus evil, showing that our choices shape our moral... Read More
The story introduces a magic sundial that can turn back time. Despite what many may believe or not believe about fairytales, they are dark for the most part. The plot of the novel is the young man’s quest into the magical land, but it also is an homag... Read More
Charlie makes a foxhole prayer for his father's sobriety and his prayers are answered. Charlie’s quest brings him to the magical world below our own. Eventually, charlie decides to risk his life for a miracle cure for the elderly dog.
Once the book enters the supernatural realm it gets less interesting. It just gets repetitive and boring. Most of the antagonists revolve around lovecraft which has apparently become a religion.
This book is a hot mess. It appears that he isn't producing quality reads, only pumping out pages for $$ that isn't worth a read. I’m pretty familiar with sk stuff and this book doesn’t even sound like his voice.

This book was so detailed and amazingly creative as all of steven king books are.
Sk books are a big investment time and mind wise, so i really only read one every few years.
However, it is too thick and heavy for airplane reading.
A couple of slow places but stick with it!
This isn’t one of my genre of books, but i had opportunity to read it at a discount price and it’s a stephen king book.
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good, loved, great and down. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 65,524 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Checked fairy tale out from the library and was so submerged in it that i bought the hardcover before i even finished it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I guess they tended to creep me out for the most part but fairy tales was a little different
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
To add to this now that i have “treaded the s
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am not in the grand scheme of things what anyone might call a big stephen king fan
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have enjoyed a few of his works appreciate his skill and talent but overall i prefer my fantasy reading of a lighter sort
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However i came across a book deal on this one and thought the premise sounded interesting and decided to give it a try
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was not at all what i expected but i loved it anyway
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not in the way that perhaps i will go back and reread it over and over again but in the way where a story you read stays with you long after you’ve closed its pages and you think of it fondly at random times for years and years later
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