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Even with the difficulty, it’s generally always pretty fun i’ve found, fantastic graphics, really good balance between the feel... Read More
It is extremely high quality and runs ultra smooth.
The levels really flex what developers can do with the switch and minimal resources.
It's a lot like f-zero with the speed and futuristic look.
The price is definitely worth the game.
Fast rmx brings in the fast & thrilling hovercraft race environment to the checkered flag.
A beautiful, challenging and fast future racing game.
What i really appreciate about the game is how fast you can get into it.
Really happy to see this unexpected title in the e-shop.
I've not messed with it online much yet but i've popped the joycons off on the go a few times to play with a friend and it's a real blast.
I wish there was more invested into the online aspect to make the multi-player more competition driven with ranking and less lag.
The game can be played with one or two joy-cons per player.
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fast, great, good, worth and pretty. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 137 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 2 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The game can be played with one or two joycons per player
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This game could have easily been licensed by nintendo to be a new fzero game
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im glad that they didnt license it as an fzero game though because it is only 20 instead of the 60 that it probably would have been had it been called fzero
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Since i am not zelda fan i needed something for the new system
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It adds some difficulty with the color matching aspect have to match the color of the booster pads in order to use said booster pad
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Theres even a mode that mimics the shared boostshield feature in fzero
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Turned out to be worth the 20
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not a huge game but it is a rocksolid game with unique tracks and a very steep learning curve
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