This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Nov 15, 2020.
Useful product - large enough to fit used blades small enough to be discreet
Once it is full, you put it in the recycling along with the blades and buy a new on.
Cheaper than the ceramic blade banks on offer & more aesthetically pleasing than having a plastic sharps bin in the corner of y... Read More
I wanted a small tin that would safely store old razor blades and was itself recyclable.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
little, small, empty, enough and full. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 77.5% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 145 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 15 2020.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This way i can store probably a couple of hundred blades going by others reviews before taking them to the recycling centre happy in the knowledge that i’m recycling and happy that no employee of the plant is going to be hurt by thoughtless or lack of care
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The whole point is the tin shouldn’t open for it to be safe
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Those who complained clearly didn’t read the info properly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Will use a hot gun for the glue so the bottom can be heated up and removed again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It wont fit cartridge razor heads that isnt what it is for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Foolishly i ordered this without checking other websites i could have bought it for £3
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Should’ve paid more attention to the description
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Storing razors on its own is unsafe