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Pros & Cons
Using it sparingly makes my skin very soft. The oil provides long lasting softness and moisture retention. It goes on smooth, is not oily and is soothing to my skin.
Use it in conjunction with argan oil, neroli and your favorite moisturizer. This oil is particularly good for healing hormonal breakouts and scars. After using this lotion for about 2 weeks the bump and lump on the scar soothe out and its cleaner look... Read More
It's very light in color and viscosity compared to other brands of organic sea buckthorn oil. This last bottle has a terrible rancid smell. It's also very greasy like i've put veggie oil on my skin.
I'm not sure what oil they are packing as sea buckthorn oil but it absolutely is not the real stuff. Had high hopes for helping my adult cystic acne, redness, dark spots, scars.
Great product, dries fast and no oily feel
After using this lotion for about 2 weeks the bump and lump on the scar soothe out and its cleaner looking, looks way better than before.
Everything i was using was not doing anything but after the first night of using this, i woke up with my breakouts faded considerably.
Do it only after brushing to lessen any germs being flossed up into the gum line.
I am just finishing my first bottle and i have to say for the price this is the best!
Much to my surprise it smells the same, it feels the same and i get the same results on my face at a 1/3 of the cost.
Altho more expensive than other oils, i decided to give it a try.
Always arrives on time or a little earlier.
The smell isn't great but its livable.
Very happy with the quality of the oil as well as the packaging.
I think it is as good as josie moran and much less expensive.
You can add it to other moisturizers, hair products, cuticles, and the quality is impeccable.
I've purchased other brands at similar price points that smelled a bit rancid or simply old.
It has a unique smell that sets it apart from other oils in general, including other companies who sell argan oil and don't hav... Read More
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great, good, long, first and dry. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 183.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,432 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 21 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My husband calls it the frosting on the…ahem…cakes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You always know when buying argan oil the bottle needs to be a dark color in order for it to be legit oil
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am 48yrs old and my skin has gotten dryer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The smell isnt great but its livable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I use to only use josie maran until i tried this one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am now onto my second bottle of pure argan oil for hair skin
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I only use about 3 drops a day on my face after showering so it has lasted a long time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I like it on my face but ive had to learn to use only a tiny amount or i will slide across the room
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