Price little on higher side - but worth it !
Orioles love this, and they've nested nearby.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Didnt attract any need to put it out earlier in the spring
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sadly bees also enjoyed the sugar water and would crawl inside the enlarged holes getting trapped inside with several dying before i discovered what had happened
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately unable to get to the sugar water the orioles left our yard and never returned
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Anything for the next day the house finches made a mess of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Why doesnt some clever person created a finch and bat proof nectar feeder
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The orioles continued to go to the red hummingbird feeder
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have orioles every year in the bay area but as yet have not seen any here but will keep trying to attract them