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Pros & Cons
It's economical as well. The container size is ample and last me several months.
These are fine for your algae eaters. I throw in a pinch or two for my neocaridina davidi (cherry shrimp) and they swarm on it.
This product contains copper and will poison invertebrates. Copper is toxic to freshwater shrimp, and i have no idea why this would be included in food specifically formulated for freshwater shrimp. Contains copper acetate which is considered poisonou... Read More
They definetly don't rush to it as i see with foods in some shrimp videos but i can't say that it's any less quality just becau... Read More
Good quality and the shrimp like it and are healthy.
My shrimp like this food, it seems good enough, and there is a good amount for the price too.
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good and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 75.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,948 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 14 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Almost as soon as it hits the water they start swimming around trying to grab it before it sinks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The blue velvets dont have the same reaction but will go for it after it sinks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The shrimp ate it my otocinclus ate it too
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fish will bite them but usually spit it back out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I sprinkle a few granules and boom they attack it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This container will last months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My greedy fish not so much making it helpful to control feeding
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Copper is toxic to everything in the wrong dose so is iron come on people do more that 1 search
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