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Pros & Cons
Inch duffel bag is good for last minute purchases. The price is good, and we can add 49 lbs of clothes, etc since the bag only weighs a pound (slightly less) these duffle bags are the perfect size and there is even more room for additional blankets to... Read More
Great to stow our backpacks and hiking poles for overseas adventures. Held our backpack with 20+ kgs of weight. Perfect for a weekend getaway.
Best thing about it is that it can be washed in the washer. Side zipper pocket is handy for tent stakes. Nice touch to have outside pocket on it to fit sheets and mattress pad.
Withstood airline travel well. Most airports have carts so it's not really a problem. Useful to have a 3rd bag for traveling that can be rolled up.
Very lightweight bag. Ended up with a hole in it. Broken zipper only because my lock held it on after it sheered off. This bag has zero structure to it.
Made reddish/ orange discoloring all over everything. But sadly, not durable.

Did the job when traveling with the fam!
They’ve made it through a few trips now so quality seems decent for price.
I purchased this bag with the intention to use it on a pack and play.
The price is good, and we can add 49 lbs of clothes, etc since the bag only weighs a pound (slightly less).
Used this to check a bag at the airport and it was much more cost effective than shipping.
The best thing about it is that it can be washed in the washer.
It fits a graco pack and play plus an extra trifold 3" mattress as well.
We fill them with laundry and then can put souvenirs and whatever else we pick up in our hard-sided luggage.
We received a hand-me-down pack n play with no carrying bag.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, fit, perfect, small and nice. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 5,556 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 30 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very light weight bag good choice of colors
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One got a small whole from a corner of a box but the way the material is it can’t really continue ripping
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
What i didnt realize when i ordered is that it doesnt load from the end as a packnplay original bag
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its more like a regular duffle bag with a zipper along the top of the bag under the handles
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’m only taking carryon for my other luggage
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We received a handmedown pack n play with no carrying bag
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They hold a lot but then squish down small when not in use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was just expecting a little heavier material
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