Pros & Cons
Really cheaply made for the price, worth maybe $9. I'm really cheap.
This case is surprisingly a really good quality.
It is made of strong gel rubber plastic and has nice corner bumpers and snaps right onto the pixel 8 pro so i can see my minty ... Read More
Material seems to be of good quality.
This case is more robust than a thinner case.
Everything fits good, not to slick, amazing price.
Nothing lasts forever, so why pay so much for an expensive case.
It doesn't feel cheap at all even at this price point.
The prices on my cell providers stores were exorbitant, about 5-6 times more for a basic case.
I wouldn't say that it is as good or superior to the branded cases like otter box, but at this price, it's pretty incredible.
At this price point, they should offer multiple colors so you can get different color cases to match your outfits.
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color, good, pretty, quality and pro. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 70.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 269 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My only complaint is that the back of the case is slippery and i found myself dropping my phone more than i normally do
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My grandaughter has tossed it twice from grabbing it from the table
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
No harm from the bouncing on the floor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pixel 8 has gorilla glas but use a glass protector just in case
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Honestly before i ordered it i was pretty skeptical for the quality the phone case was going to have for the price
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The prices on my cell providers stores were exorbitant about 56 times more for a basic case
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had an otter box case with my other phone which after 4 years was also starting to fall apart
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nothing lasts forever so why pay so much for an expensive case