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Pros & Cons
The foval 5-amp trickle battery charger is just what my tractor needs to maintain a charge through the winter. Maintains battery on polaris side by side with now issues. Nothing overheated in the process.
Product is as advertised and works great! Great but works great versatile charger. Comes with regular * that plug into the charger.
The cord from the outlet to the charger is short. The directions are tiny print and incomprehensible. The * are tiny and difficult to put on post if batter post has clamp on it.

Quality both visually and to the touch.
The product cones fully ready to keep a low cca battery charged.
You can't see how much amperage is passing nor the voltage with the unit alone but it works.
Worth the price for storage during winter months.
A day later i was back in the saddle.
This charger works just like the more expensive brands.
The foval 5-amp trickle battery charger is just what my tractor needs to maintain a charge through the winter.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, charged, easy and long. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 75.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 335 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 13 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Punch mode to 12v and thats it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The indicator light is too dim and its hard to see the settings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My previous trickle chargers showed fail on a couple batteries
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My bulky oldfashioned charger will get little use now
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is a very simple interface and only has one button to work mode
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For example if you trickle charge your car in the driveway and power is in the garage
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lights on top are hard to see
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was told that my harley davidson electric glide needs a larger trickle charger than the one previously owned
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