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Pros & Cons
I also like dandelion tea, those earthier tasting teas, if that helps with what this would taste like. Mixes well with shilajit for a nice, smooth rich brew.
Used in brazil for over 2000 yrs for everything. Priced decent.
Don't hesitate. Nice quality. Very pleased.
It is very dusty inside the bag and smells moldy. Just didn't get much flavor or strength from my batch. Is it real pau d'arco or random plant parts?
Frontier herbs: superior quality control maintaining outmost medicinal benefits.
I use this for my infusions, great quality
This is a huge bag and it’s top notch quality!
I boil 12 cups of water, then when boiling i add 1 tbs of tea per 2 cups of water (you can use 1 tbs per 2 cups of water) i boi... Read More
This is the best value for this type of tea and i highly recommend it.
This product was no exception, very fresh, cut and sifted, and a great price.
Not sure of benificial results but a great value for the price.
Just boil for 5 minutes & simmer for 15 min.
I like the flavor, i drink it once a day, the packaging was great, and i got it when scheduled.
I've had pau d'arco before by other brands, (capsule by natures path.
This is a product that is sometimes hard to find, as some stores go out of business or existing business doesn't always have on hand.
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great, good, arco, quality and found. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 173.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 70.5% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 716 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 19 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive had pau darco before by other brands capsule by natures path
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I boil 12 cups of water then when boiling i add 1 tbs of tea per 2 cups of water you can use 1 tbs per 2 cups of water i boil it for 5 minutes and then cover the pot lower the heat to its lowest temp and then simmer it for 15 minutes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have enough for a few days i sometimes reheat it or drink it cold
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just boil for 5 minutes simmer for 15 min
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I make a weeks batch at a time put in refridge
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A bit earthy but nothing too strong
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I no longer crave the sugar and carbs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Which means that the yeast is finally subsiding
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