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Pros & Cons

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Great value. Timely shipment. As advertised with good packaging.

Bought for otc ingestion. Helps with joint pain & arthritis.

I really am pleased to see that the turmeric does not clump at the bottom of the bottle. It smells super earthy with a hint of sharp that reminds me allllmost of dijon mustard. High quality, great taste & price.

Adds just the right amount of flavor to soups, salads, eggs, and pasta. It has an easy open flip top cap. This is theonly company we use now for spices.


This is the first brand that left significant staining on my face! Might have to find another use for it.

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Very pleased with this product for the flavor, comparative value and health benefits that are written about in many sources.

Turmeric is a must have this was a great quality herb also so thank you!


I bought one frontier turmeric root ground awhile ago just to test it out with other turmeric's all around.

Strong flavor and better than any other brand.

It boosts the immune system & has anti-aging properties, etc.


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    great, good, organic, quality and daily.
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  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 67.4% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 1,155 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 20 2022.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I was having a horrible inflammation problem arms shoulders back just achy to the umpteenth degree and mainly because im addicted to tomatoes and tomatoes cause arthritic paininflammation when eaten in access and i was eating petite canned tomatoes daily and drinking 3 small tomato juices daily after about a year and a half just the very thing a nurse friend had warned me about hit me and my body was racked with inflammation pain the nurse friend then showed up at our door with organic turmeric powder had me put 14 tsp in a cup of hot coffee and drink it down and within 30 minutes all all all pain was gone so she had bought hers at a local herb shop so i ran right in and bought some there and then wrote about it in one of my daily stories other friends wanted to try it for their fibro etc and posted stellar reviews for this but some who live across the miles couldnt buy from our shop so we contacted the shop and she said she bought it by the pound from amazon and she bought frontier coop organic turmeric root powder just this very power but this small jar will last you the rest of your life lol because you only need 14 tsp in a cup of hot liquid coffeeteaetc and be sure and add black pepper to the turmeric so your body will absorb it faster im a quack and not a doctor but there are some amazing remedies in gods pharmacy give it a try only 5

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    It boosts the immune system has antiaging properties etc

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Im not a scientist but i am a diabetic and i can tell you my person experience has been an average of 20 points lower on my readings since ive been eating this daily

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    It gave a peanutbuttery yellow color to the soap

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Dont know if i well ever use it all

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