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Pros & Cons
These are far nicer than i expected. The fitted sheet is elasticized all around, not just at the corners. The only thing i don't like is how on the flat sheet the tag is at the head portion of the sheet. However, it’s an easy fix and you could just pu... Read More
These sheets are so soft and feel luxurious without the price tag! They're very durable, my dad does a lot of tossing and turning and usually has the fitted sheet pulled off a corner.
These sheets are great for the camper. They fit the mattress wonderfully. They are tall enough to have a few inches to spare so the elastic can do its job.
Bottom and top sheets flimsy and scratchy, actually noisy when moving around in bed. Despite washings the protector does seem to be permanently stained now.
The material seems very soft. Supposed to be full xl. Also the elastic looks like surgeons cap.
Fabric is nice and sheets fit perfectly
I have bought multiple colors, all have been very good quality, good color and hold up well through washing/drying.
We have been through many deep pocket sheets and they all eventually started coming off.
The elastic is sewn on to the edge rather than being encased in the fabric.
Surprisingly for the price, these sheets are great!
So these sheets are great for the $$.
We have a sleep number and i refuse to pay the price for the sleep number sheets.
Bed only thing confused by is why certain colors were different prices.
They promptly responded and rectified the problem immediately.
Came in neat packaging in the correct color and everything
I bought blankets from two of these companies and packages came at the same time however they were the same thing just in diffe... Read More
I was bummed the color i really wanted kept selling out before i could purchase but the dark purple is beautiful too!
I like these as well as my brooklinen sheets which are far more expensive.
Just buy the cheaper blanket from the cheaper company cuz it's the same they do feel great.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
soft, great, color, nice and fit. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 64,436 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I struggled with my previous sheets as they would constantly slip off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These sheets stay on pretty well but i also put the rubber band hugger on top just in case
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Will only be buying these from now on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fitted sheet has elastic all the way around and it was a breeze putting it on the bed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Didnt come out of the dryer all wrinkled so that was a plus
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The burgundy has a lot of red in it but with a burgundy comforter they look good
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just put some suspenders on the corners
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Have maybe stretched a little after a week or so
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