I am so grateful for the wisdom she has shared through her long and loving existence.
I've thoroughly enjoyed her memoirs and am excited for the next.
Then she learned her mother was sick, so she left her son with the babysitter and went to care for her mother.
No corners bent during shipping, and per maya, always a good book.
Is a fast read because it is so interesting to know about maya's life.
She makes you feel like you are actually in a sceen.
Poole asked her to be his professional dance partner.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It really does modify your looks of racism and sexism in our society today
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And if there were anything higher than a 5 than this book would seriously deserve it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only thing that i saw in the book that was not of my liking was the countless amounts of spelling errors
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’m not completely sure if they were spelled wrong on purpose to emphasize the way people spoke back then or if angelou just didn’t know how to spell them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But the spelling errors bothered me because i wasn’t sure if it was me who was spelling them wrong or if it was the book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Anyways we all run into a few spelling mistakes now and then and it wasn’t that big of a deal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Maya angelou truly was a phenomenal writer and their aren’t many judgments or critiques i can tell you about this book except for the fact that it was a great read and you should really read it too
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very honest look into the life of the underworld through the eyes a a poor black unmarried woman in the segregated south