Pros & Cons
Ease of operation of the product. Give very satisfactory result. I am sure it will give satisfaction to all. One problem is when i receive that product it doesn't have a amazon packaging.
The product quality is bad. The picture and title are definitely misleading. It seems to be a defected product. Only received 2 cartridges. Useless for a little bit longer hairs.
Blades in this razor are duplicate. Out of the two blades provided one blade was not upto mark.
Works smoothly and efficiently without harming skin.
Works very well on face and no nicks and cuts.
It's been 2 decade , i am using only gillette mach 3
Good grip - had purchased the razor along with the blade.
I am very satisfied from the beginning, my only request to the manufacturers is that the price should be brought down and affor... Read More
Product is great, yet the amazon delivery is worst.
I have a sensetive skin and after a lot of research and comparing different brand their technologies and availability of cartri... Read More
Same company but this one is better than my previous razor mach iii
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good, quality, clean, nice and best. - Our engine has detected that there may be counterfeit products sold through this listing.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 68.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 15,441 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It has razor handle and two cartridges not razor handle with cartridge attached and extra two cartridges
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its been 2 decade i am using only gillette mach 3
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Product is great yet the amazon delivery is worst
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For clean shave i will suggest mach 3
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Rate discounted and product is very good as usually
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have never shaved myself ever before