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Pros & Cons
The tablets are on the large size but it seems to work for me and my wife for joint pain. The pills are big but i have no problem swallowing them. One thing is the tablets are pretty big for me so i just chew them and wash them down with whatever i am... Read More
This product has helped me tremendously. Best of all, this is the lowest priced product that i have found.
When i try to get a refund for the broken bottle they state “ this item is not eligible for returns. The pill is uncomfortable to *.
These "large" pills (taken three times daily) have really helped improve my stiff neck.
Solgar makes a product that truly helps pain and stiffness if i take as directed.
One time i missed to take for three days, my knees started to hurt, but as soon as resumed taking it, the following day the pain was gone!
These problems do not arise with a shellfish free formulation.
This brand is a little more expensive but is worth it.
I'm a big fan of solgar products, this is no different.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
free, big, found, good and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 200 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 22 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been a user of this product since i found out it contained hyaluronic acid which as you know the basic building block of joints structural element and lubrication
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The rest of the supplements contained in the product are again as you know basic building blocks of joints
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I no longer have knee pain and for that matter no pain in any of my joints
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Now hyaluronic acid found in the joints is the latest ingredient to be added
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The product is shellfish free
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Shellfish sources have been found to cause allergic reactions in some folks and actually cause more pain than relieve the pain for which they are taken
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These problems do not arise with a shellfish free formulation
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its kind of too large to swallow so i had to cut it into several small pieces so i can swallow it better
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