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Pros & Cons
Each treat is less than two calories. My 2 cats literally beg for these. I have a very finicky cat who tends to throw up everything we feed her.
These treats help keep his teeth clean, though they don't freshen breath as effectively as other brands. Despite not freshening breath, they are healthy and affordable. It is too soon to tell whether or not they are doing anything for his teeth.
The package says to give 8 treats 2x per day, which i did for 2 days. Cats are obligate carnivores.
I have two spoiled cats at home, they love it, it's great for their health too, supreme quality, and their teeth are clean 👌🏻 😀
These treats are super functional and definitely made their fur shinier
My cats love these treats so much that early this morning, 4 am to be exact, they worked together to knock them off the counter... Read More
Good thing the cabinet shuts tight -- or it would be raided every night by spoiled cat.
I don’t think they helped with his stinky breath but he’s happy and you can’t beat the price.
Just fill it up and raise the price.
My cat loves the greenie treats more than any others that i've tried.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 28,326 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 6 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The treats will have to be locked in the pantry now and dispersed when they are behaving themselves
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cat no swat at me with paw now then hiss
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have to keep this well stocked for her
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Good thing the cabinet shuts tight or it would be raided every night by spoiled cat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She will wake me up in the middle of the night for a treat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My cat will not eat them as a treat but ive been putting one each day in with her dried food and she eats them that way
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Her breath used to knock me out it was gross
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The kitties really gobble them up
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