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Pros & Cons
Terry pratchett’s signature dense bits of creatively amusing paroxysms and descriptive hilarities. It's very british in that words are at play as much as the plot while observant sarcasm abounds.
When a shadowy group summons a dragon in an attempt to re-establish the long dead monarchy, things quickly get out of hand. Vimes and his men may be the only hope for restoring peace to the city. This is the one that first introduces the night watch.
The book is incredibly quotable, with snippets that blow your mind. His unique voice, wonderful world-building, and being able to write humorously about situations that are unjust are balm to my soul.
Guards guards is set in ankh-morpork. The patrician explains the ethos of the dystopian world.
The book is not only funny but trenchant and poignant at the same time. I wish there was an additional space between paragraphs when jumping to a different character or perspective.
Abridged is not the right word for gutting much of the local color and small incidents that set pratchet apart. The recording is a mess; the volume fluctuates to the point that you have to hand babysit the controls. He seems to try to emulate douglas ... Read More
But i fell in love with the discworld series with this book.
Very well written novel, you will fall in love with the characters.
Pay your workers a little more and quit working them like slaves and maybe they'll have the time to take a bit more care with t... Read More
Another tale of ankh morpork with a subtextual commentary on humanity, cities and cops everywhere in the multiverse.
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- This product had a total of 6,129 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 8 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wasnt as enthralled by it as i expected based on terry pratchetts reputation
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However i am a sucker for english humor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I considered the ebook but the hardcover is a far better value my compliments to the publisher
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even had a satisfying snap for the first time cracking the spine of the book open
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Why a picture of a bent cover
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And what do you know that is my complaint also
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Kind of a bummer to shell out the money for a brand new book get all excited and the cover is bent
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not a huge deal i mean it doesnt alter the stellar content but still it is excessively irksome
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