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A good quality stir and handy stir for making syphon coffee.
It works well for what it is supposed to do, but it seems like i will need to replace it after a few months of using it due to the quality.
It stirs really well in a cup when combined with the circular motion of your hand/wrist.
I used this on my hario iced-coffee maker, and it's so much better to use than a spoon!
I use this primarily for my aeropress ventures.
But if you are a hario freak like me, you need this one.
What can i say, if you have a hario coffee siphon, then you need one of these coffee stirers, it's made of bamboo, so the dur... Read More
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great, french, good, perfect and made. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 438 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 14 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Fiancé doesn’t like the scraping sound of metal on metal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Well probably not but it is a hario and its shipped from japan so considering the 5 bucks wasnt that much
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It washes so easily and depending on what your stirring you just need to wash it good dry it then done
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im only giving four stars because the finish isnt that great
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Elegant simple light sustainable easy to clean wont scratch your brewer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very useful for stirringemptying coffee in my french press though paying 7 for a wooden stick i wouldnt like to do again
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