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Pros & Cons
Great grappling buddy for my 4 and 3 year old phenoms. My son and nephews love wee wrestling. I have a very active grandson that loves to wrestle. I love that my son can take it up on the bunk bed and prop him in the corner rather than having somethin... Read More
Filled ours with pool noodles and old jeans. Will probably add some diy sand bags for weight later. Only complaint is that it doesn't come with stuffing.
Was hoping for better durability. It’s difficult to fill it as the opening with the zipper is very small.

It is very sturdy and is holding up well.
It is very durable and well made.
None of the comments were helpful saying stupid things like “i used old towels to fill mine” and those must be incredibly heavy... Read More
It gets beat up, tossed and jumped on and we haven’t had any popped seams or broken zipper.
Quality is fantastic and the price is even better.
It is a very good price but with low prices comes high problems unfortunately.
I did have to stuff it, but i did that with thrift store $1 pillows after i disinfected them.
My brother stuffed it once it arrived & they jumped right on it.
We packed the legs inside with a pair of dad’s jeans and then filled the jeans with stuffing and old clothes.
I used packing peanuts so it wouldn’t be too heavy for my grandson.
Was looking at punching bags for my son but saw this and thought i'd give it a try.
Maybe buy a different brand or use the warranty.
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old, dummy, stuffed, great and filled. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 42.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,075 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s thick durable and holds up to being tossed all over
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please not that it does not come filled so you will need to fill with the interior of your choice
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ordered this for our son for christmas because he was wrestling every day with a large pillow
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It wasnt the easiest to stuff but we filled it with socks clothes sheets and an extra mattress pad we had
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Seams appear to be holding well but will likely have to go in soon and add more 34stuffing34 to keep all the joints filled
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We packed the legs inside with a pair of dad’s jeans and then filled the jeans with stuffing and old clothes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I end up throwing them around the basement when i am down there to fix something
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Maybe i should keep this review to myself thinking about it but…
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