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Pros & Cons
Not much to say about this one aside from that it works like a charm! This is the same quality of psyllium that i have found with other name brands but is a lot cheaper.
Psyllium husk is a fine powder that mixes well with water. Works well with orange juice and yoghurt. Can be cooked into cakes and cookies.
The only drawback is that you need to put it into a different container or zip-lok bag, since it comes is a regular non- resealable plastic bag. Since it's a reimbursable item for me, i only have to do the paperwork once for 25 lbs.
The psyllium product lists one carb per serving, compared to the yerba prima and other brands. It provides bulk and slows down travel time through your intestine. It is essential for me to maintain regularity and aid digestion.
The quality is as good or better and comparably priced, including delivery.
This is a great bargain for this product.
It does, like all pure psyllium, taste like sawdust and is absolutely disgusting to drink unless it is masked by another product.
If you happen to find this product.
Even tho the price seems a little high, it's still cheaper than buying local.
It probably costs less too, although the price is 30% higher now than when i bought it, so i'll have to re-evaluate that.
Great product, good price, free shipping, quick delivery.
Someone taped the shipping bag because product was spilling out as one of the product bags was also sliced.
There is a label on the box that looks like it might have some declarations, but it was mostly covered with a shipping label at... Read More
A plastic shipping bag was used, which got sliced somewhere in the shipping process.
The product seem to be the same quality as other brands and if you don't mind the packaging (a bag) then you should be very happy.
This is a must for preparing my keto recipes and this packaging makes measuring easy.
I agree with the other reviewer that the packaging is a joke.
Additionally, the lack of packaging was appealing as i have enough containers to put things in and too many things have contain... Read More
The nice thing is this takes up a lot less space than the 33 - 340g containers.
Will definitly stock up on this item.
Got tired of traipsing to the local store every few months to buy 340g containers.
If you use a frother, make sure to wash it immediately after use, or the psyllium can expand and get stuck in it.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, good, quality and sure. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 39.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 419 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 22 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just make sure you drink a lot of water after
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fine powders about the consistency of flour arent as effective for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However if youre very sensitive internally maybe those are better ymmv
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My system is kind of picky and i would have ibs except i manage it with good diet and products like this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Glass of water 1 hour before bed6
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The price was very reasonible
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Other brands i used thickened while mixing making it near impossible to drink easily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Your brand of psyllium is the only one that works for me
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