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Fast reading as it is so interesting.
If there are similarities to her earlier work, there is also a twist, with the storied figures in nearly inverse circumstances.
In stark contrast to millard's portrayal of garfield in her destiny of the republic (which paints a compelling picture of an ot... Read More
All risks were less than the certainty.
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young, great and british. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,268 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 23 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Once again ms millard presents a fascinating glimpse at a little known snippet of colonial history
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Churchill’s younger years but once i started reading about his dash across africa chased by the boers it read like a mystery thriller that i could not put down
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The reason was to make a name for himself and become a member of parliament
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Candice millard again writes an incredibly graphic exciting story of churchill’s early years during the boer war how it shaped him into the man who would be so pivotal during wwii
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Having previously devoured candice millards two other biographies about u
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In stark contrast to millards portrayal of garfield in her destiny of the republic which paints a compelling picture of an otherwise forgotten and unknown leader as one of immense character and quality my impression of churchill in hero of the empire was almost entirely negative
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In fact my only criticism of the book is that it becomes difficult at least for me to read a biography about a person so utterly unlikable and distasteful
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When my wife asked for reports on my reading experience i kept offering iterations of well its a fascinating story but churchill was just the worst
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