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Pros & Cons
Himalaya garcinia is a 2x'er, you know like from video games where whatever moves you make it multiples your efforts. It makes that i'm full message from your belly louder and last longer. It does actually helps curbing your appetite. Hymalaya is the ... Read More
Clean product and has definitely helped me keep some excess weight under control along with diet and exercise.
Easy to take, helps keep your weight under control.
After about a day or two you can tell they aren't working, so watch your eating!
Himalaya garcinia makes that "i'm full" message from your belly louder and last longer.
Good product deliver was on time thank you
(you probably can guess the other brand with that hint) and it just doesn't have the same powerful effect.
I went back to wf (twice) for the himalaya version only to be told it was sold out.
I'm 100% sure of this because when my supple ran out, i figured i'd just try another brand with a higher % of hca and the extra... Read More
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 160.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 77.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 755 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been taking these for about a month and i have not seen a difference
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Husband says it helps but nothing special
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Says it causes indigestion sometimes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was a little curious why it didnt have cambogia in the title as well as why it directs you to take the supplements after meals
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I called the manufacturer after the first two weeks to inquire if there was a miss print
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I gave good feedback as things were going well absolutely no side effects felt at that point and some 34mirrornoticeable34 body fat loss
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At 3 week there seemed be some serious fat burn i began to notice every few days a difference
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im 100 sure of this because when my supple ran out i figured id just try another brand with a higher of hca and the extra blend of chromium black pepper etc
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