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Pros & Cons
Will also be doing oatmeal with cinnamon daily. Every time i open the bottle, it smells like a pizzeria.
All the pills were broken. I think garlic like this needs to be in gel capsules. Really hard to get over the taste.
The pill is easy to swallow and no after taste
I worked at whole foods in the health and beauty department, and i really do like the quality they use.
Used other products but they did not perform like this product.
Very strong scent, not used to garlic pills having strong flavors.
The price and strength you get for your money is awesome.
It is honestly worth paying more, or the money is just wasted anyway.
You can make your own aged black garlic cheap using an inexpensive rice cooker with a temperature between 160-180 f.
While it is hard for me to remember to take them twice a day for the maximum benefits, it is worth it.
I’m happy with this brand and they shipped right away.
Glad it ended up on amazon for delivery.
A lot of the tablets came broken in the bottle.
I will say i was disappointed many of the tablets were broken in one of the bottles.
Many tablets came broken but im taking it anyway.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, great, strong, sure and broken. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 768 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There are lots of videos on youtube showing how to do so but most have variation of method some put water in with the bulbs in a small cup but having a sealed bag you dont need to do so
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also the smell is greatly reduced otherwise your home will fill with garlic smell
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The santa of garlic is quite evident when you open the bottle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This bottle is dark to protective the product inside
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only complaint i have half of his garlic and stomach upset so make sure you eat or drink something before you take it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You may also want to take some thing for your stomach as it does cause a little discomfort and nausea at first
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Might as well eat a clove of garlic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’m sure it has medicinal qualities because it is def pure garlic
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