Pros & Cons
Terry pratchett pulls out all the stops in this layered tale that explores both the importance and meaning of belief.
The auditors go to the assassins' guild to take out a contract on the hogfather. The head of the guild realizes he has one assassin who is crazy enough for the job.

I have no idea how pratchett came up with the ideas in this novel, but they're great.
And now they are released in beautiful god quality editions.
She knows something isn’t right and it has to do with the supernatural.
Start with the color of light (discworld #1) and read 'em in order.
If you already know about discworld and the incredible work of sir terry pratchett, then let's meet for a pint the next time we... Read More
Having susan back is just as good as another book about death (everyone's favorite discworld character)!
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- This product had a total of 3,626 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 2 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The greatest flaw of the discworld series is that theres not going to be more of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In the realm of discworld not even the holidays escape the meddling of various agents out to take the olly from jolly holidays
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pratchett’s storytelling is as primo in this book as is most his book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Take a real myth and cast it into discworld
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However the brilliant concept lacked a little in directional flow
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The best dialog is in the middle and the end feels somewhat like he didnt know where to take it or just got fatigued
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They need to rid the world of the hogfather which will be a neat trick since the hogfather isnt a person so much as a consensus figment of the imagination
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If anyone is going to succeed it will be mr
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