Pros & Cons
Light smell and softer than the raid brand name. Strong stuff the scent isn't so bad but if you're using it in an area where you're frequently in i would suggest opening some windows if the smell gets too congested.
Was supposed to be fragrant free, and was not. I find myself having to douse the poor bugs in this stuff. This smells like raid but is about one tenth as effective. Update this roach killing spray don't kill roaches, it only wets them and then they ru... Read More
Also it's easier to get with the unscented variant.
Great value for the money and it doesn't smell bad.
Packed & delivery perfect, price is perfect!
It was a great deal for the price.
The price is good but i usually use almost an entire can when i spray but it continues to works for weeks.
Will be purchasing in the future as long as the price stays around the same.
Light smell and softer than the raid brand name.
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- This product had a total of 644 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 8 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Id recommend using a mouthnose guard while spraying
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So i dont have to get within three feet of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bugs down here are on steroids they are bred differently
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Give me a snakes bats lizards any day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bugs are what my nightmares are made of
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It took me over a month to get the courage to kill them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It got to the point that i was going to pay an exterminator to come out and deal with it just so i didnt have to
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I might still just to make sure they dont come back