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Pros & Cons
Several different styles showcased here, and they all give you something new. This is an incredible collection and so many of them left me wishing for more. There are a few in this phenomenal collection that don't quite make sense to me.
I was overpowered by these stories. I am so glad that i took the time to savor each of these carefully crafted tales. It's short and poignant, just what you want it to be.
Life after people, with cephalopods. Long after the conquest, slaves still find ways to fight back”. Red dirt witch’ is a cautionary tale in which the protagonist is promised a new world that seems too good to be true. It is about a young man whom new... Read More
This book is an everything burger. I definitely recommend this book for anyone who loves good speculative fiction. Even stephen king bores me sometimes.
I absolutely loved 90% of the stories in this book, and the 10% i wasn't head over heels for probably only suffered by comparis... Read More
I love her work and recommend it very highly.
Engrossing stories and the quality was consistent.
Though nearly all of the examples have teachable moments, only one fell short for me, which says a lot about the quality of the... Read More
Jemisin is such a talented writer in terms of characters and setting.
I loved all of the different realities and characters jemisin was able to flesh out in such a short space.
I predict, in a few decades, high schoolers will be learning about that story in the same way teenagers today learn about the r... Read More
I can't wait to see what comes next for jemisin!
If you like nk jemisin: read it!
It dealt with dirigibles, spies, science and two kick-ass women.
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short, new, loved, great and here. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 905 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 22 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Through reading i was not only entertained but i had to face some aspects of society that i had accepted as inevitable when in fact they are not normal and should not be upheld
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While her protagonists are typically the good in the story they are also fallible and introspective regarding their own flaws
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In the end only the earth knew the truth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For instance “on the banks of the river lex” is an allegorical tale while “the you train” is an eerie near ghost story akin to “the hitchhiker” episode of the twilight zone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As a caveat some of the stories do include adult language and sex so do a read through yourself if you plan to select a story for the classroom
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wildly imaginative and inventive there was no story in here that i did not like
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Scifi is not always in my to read list
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If youre already a fan of her novels such as the mutlipleawardwinning series starting with the fifth season you might be reluctant as i was to dive into her short fiction
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