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Pros & Cons
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Learning Advantage
Parents are thrilled with the learning advantage their babies gain from this method, reporting improved cognitive skills and early reading abilities. The program is praised for developing neural pathways in the brain and teaching rote memorization skills that facilitate later phonics learning. However, some caution that success depends on a parent's ability to provide consistent study support.
Clear Instruction
Customers are highly satisfied with the clear instructions provided in the book for teaching babies to read. They have reported positive results when implementing the method and find it an enjoyable experience for both parent and child.
Child Success Stories
Parents have reported significant success stories in teaching their babies to read using the "How to Teach Your Baby to Read" program. Children who learned through this method have excelled academically and gained confidence, leading to successful futures. Some parents shared their personal experiences of seeing their children learn and recognize words at an early age, resulting in scholarships and impressive academic achievements.
Easy Understanding
Customers highly praise the easy understanding of the methods presented in the book, which provides clear instructions for parents seeking to educate their babies. They appreciate the emphasis on creating necessary tools at home without pressure to buy additional products. Babies have shown significant progress in learning words and vocabulary after implementing the suggested principles.
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Parental Responsibility
Parents have mixed but generally positive feelings towards their responsibility in teaching their babies to read. Many believe it's essential for parents to take an active role and invest time in their children's education from an early age, while some acknowledge the importance of parental commitment and bonding.

It adds a structure to our day and it is a great way to bond and play too!
It develops the right side of the brain using sight reading which is one of a few very valuable methods of learning.
It takes enormous amount of time to stay in this methodic.
My daughter learned to read 50 words after just 3 weeks and that included only mon-fri.
I am glad that our system afforded you the opportunity to make money with a title that i created.
I think my edition was from 1979 and cost $1.
Book came on time in good condition.
The brillkids forums helped a lot with that.
It is used in japan and other major countries to give their children the edge to compete in the world.
Not because we would be competitive, but because i believe it's what's best for every child, and we need more of that in the world.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 522 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 27 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When he states you must go quickly you really must
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I tried to slow it down and be a little goofy with my daughter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This distracted her she became somewhat bored and wanted the cards to eat bc paper is the tastiest treat to a 10 month old
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Down side is he doesnt say if using an ipad or tech device would still suffice instead of cards my husband is cheap also i live overseas and supplies arent as easy to come by
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Glenn doman and janet domanthank you for your book that has the same title as my book that i wrote in the 70s
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I should have been allowed to be a consultant on many books that deal with reading
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Africa has a similar program that was introduced in the 1800s
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its better to just buy this book first and read it
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