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Pros & Cons
A couple tips. Have realistic goals. Like zero effort and amazing results. Some suggest that it will have to be repeated to keep it up.
Much cheaper and easier than restraining or painting the area. It is a really good product, but the container is a miniature can.
It appears to have moisturized the wood, but that's all. Tried it on an old dresser with some worn spots on the top, didn't do a thing except smell and add a little shine, the old ware is still all there. Only refinishing the table will correct the pr... Read More

Overall i'm extremely pleased with the product.
This product works best over shellac, lacquer, or varnish.
This is an unedited photo with the restored section on the bottom and no additional product added on top.
Full disclosure, i paid for this product 100% out of pocket and was not offered any kind of compensation for leaving a review.
Thankfully i'd already moved it so it didn't get ruined but i'll never get that out of the underlining.
I had to poor some on it though to remove the stain.
Applied a second touch-up a week later and improved looks even more.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
easy, great, good, color and new. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 8135.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 59.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 7,999 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 27 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Instructions say you can use 0000 steel wool to get rid of deep scratches but i did not need to go that far
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is an unedited photo with the restored section on the bottom and no additional product added on top
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not very well packed cans were tossed around and all dented or smashed in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The media could not be loaded
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will probably never restain again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The table that i used it on was totally trashed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not enough to remove the stain but enough to smooth it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In the areas coated in old paint i chiseled and sanded it off down to bare wood
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