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Pros & Cons
This is the first time i've ever purchased a lickable cat treat. My cat licks them up fast and likes all the flavors. This treat is also healthier than the other treats i used to give her.
They get crunchy treats at various times throughout the day. The veterinarian even uses these for treats in the office and recommends them. My kittens see the package now and they are climbing me to get to it!
Portion size is perfect for a chubby old girl. The only slight downside is if he eats 2 or more in a day, his poops are extra smelly.
This is watery compared to solid gold and can't be licked straight from the tube. My one cat takes one lick of it and literally runs off, and the two younger cats that used to devour this just leave it and refuse to eat it. Maybe some cats like the te... Read More
My cats absolutely love these and chase me down when i open the jar.
They don’t like dry treats of any kind or wet food but these are their crack.
I am so happy with the quality ingredients and that he is getting fluids when he consumes them, but i've created a monster.
One great thing is they provide hydration.
These can get a bit pricey depending on how many cats you have, but the cats love them so i use them as a special treat.
Don’t fall for a cheap brand stick with this!
I wish the price was not so high.
We have 4 cats who all love and go crazy for these little packets.
Variety pack is good for me because i like to think they get tired of the same flavors.
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crack, picky, good, down and little. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 6629.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 76.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 37,671 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However ive learned not to open with wet fingers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Youll slide like a rocket and create a nice mess so be patient
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They all come running and are pulling to get a taste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Turns his nose up at most of the snacks that i buy him
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He comes running when he sees me holding one of these
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wish the price was not so high
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Too much trouble to make at home so amazon is the place to get the kitty crack
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Rightok soon i am getting buttons bonita going to learn yes yes
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