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Pros & Cons
Taste just like it. The flavor is 10/10 and so are the macros. The chocolate flavor protein powder as well as the cinnamon flavored one! The chocolate brownie is amazing is you are a chocolate lover like me.
Inno supp clean vegan protein. It’s not grainy like some other vegan protein powders.
This product is good for people that have diary problems. My only complaint is how big the container is.
The protein powder is tasty, filling in my shakes, and does what it is supposed to! I have to wash my hands every time i get a scoop because it comes up so dusty. I am picky about my protein powders, and this one is my very favorite!
Save yourself $50 and heartache guys. Tastes like bland vanilla protein. False claim of “zero artificial sweeteners’ as it leads you to believe there is no sugars.
Quality ingredients and helped him make the gains he was looking for.
I love the taste of this product!
I was in the market for a new and cleaner protein product.
That is the reason i came across this product!
I am in love with my chocolate vegan inno supps protein!
Definitely the best vegan protein on the market.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 10.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 625 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 5 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The title says it all for my review
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I did try shaking it with only water and was ok mild flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Scoop of fruity cereal protein powder banana frozen strawberries any vegan milk and a scoop of fruity candy flavored pre workout energy powder with some ice
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’m lactose and tolerant so whey protein always bothered my stomach
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt give me any bloating or make me feel tired
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most vegan protein powder i’ve had tasted bad have a whole bunch of added nonsense and are expensive
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wasnt optimistic because i hate the nasty after taste of stevia but stevie cant even tell its in this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was not my original intention to select ‘chocolate brownie’ as my flavor of choice
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