This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Nov 6, 2020.
I enjoy steaming things with this product
If you like the taste of slaving in the kitchen all day with the ease of throwing something together and cooking for a minimal ... Read More
Comparing the duo evo plus to the duo plus, it is clear that they tried to fix a lot of the manufacturing defects with the duo nova.
I cook my dog's food and the pot is so handy to use and is fast; the dogs really enjoy the taste of the food.
So easy and fast and its delicious.
You can cook a veriaty of foods that will keep you healthy.
Makes cooking a breeze, thousands of instapot recipes online.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
easy, great, made, clean and cooked. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 138,854 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 6 2020.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Makes cooking a breeze thousands of instapot recipes online
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A great tool for the kitchen just click in a button and thats all
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It wasnt able to cook black beans very well and when my mother in law came to visit she told us it was defective and asked us to look into a warranty claim she is a power user of pressure cookers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Instapot sent us a questionnaire to confirm the defect which we complied with
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately we found out that our friend who bought the instapot bought it over a year ago but the gift was less than a year ago so they were willing to honor the warranty
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Then there was a delay because they did not have any duo plus units in stock eventually they shipped us the duo evo plus after we followed up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Comparing the duo evo plus to the duo plus it is clear that they tried to fix a lot of the manufacturing defects with the duo nova
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Removed one star because of the defect one star because the warranty claim process took two months but added back a star for honoring the warranty with a duo evo plus which is a better unit