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Pros & Cons
One minor gripe is the grippy matte finish on the case seems to deteriorate a bit faster than i think it should (-1 star) overall, great product.
Case protects iphone 8 from drops and fits in an arm sleeve for running errands. Not bulky at all and adds very little size to your your phone.
Credit card flap slides open at will and is very flimsy. Within 3 months, the slide part just breaks off. Today it got cracked again.
This case is quite sturdy and holds up against normal everyday use.
The case is also very durable and has saved my phone on the many occasions it’s been dropped.
Finally after 5 years and many many phone drops, the sliding door finally broke (when i dropped it).
The hard plastic broke on the latest drop and the card cover wouldn’t slide anymore.
Good protection for your phone and inexpensive
Which, for the price, isn’t so bad.
The color might start to rub off the back eventually but i don’t care too much about that for the price.
Nice looking phone case with a small space to store a card or cash.
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new, broke, great, good and little. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 68.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 24,079 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 12 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had bought this case like 2 or 3 years ago wanted a new one since i finally broke it the other day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Before i bought this phone case i used a sticky rubber case that went on the back of my phone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The problem with that is my cards were always exposed at the risk of sliding out and it’s just not as durable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The case doesn’t have any issues staying shut
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had one just like it that got broken user error so i had to get a new one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You know the phone case was okay
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Second one i bought after i wore out the first
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I keep my id and debit card in it and go
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