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Pros & Cons
The cork strip has enough room for several standard sticky notes, business, and appointment cards. It also has an area to put any papers needing to follow up on.
This board is awesome. Great solution for our office. Nonetheless this is still pretty cool! It’s really nice.
The sturdiness is really good and allows it to last. I like that it is a heavy metal and isn't flimsy at all. Very durable material.
This is a premium board, worth the asking price. It's packed and shipped expertly to be sure it's perfect when it arrives.
The board itself feels sturdy and well made.
It is easy to install and very sturdy.
The board is decently made and doesn't bow or anything, and nothing is loose or wobbly or anything like that.
The frame has predrilled holes for easy mounting or it comes with tape also.
For the price i thought this was great it’s the perfect size for me to use as our training schedule for my clients.
Was looking, what it seems forever for a right size , right price and beautiful looking calendar .
Comes with plenty of markers and an easer along with magnets and pins!
The dry eraser calendar came packed in better condition than some of the big ones that i have received and had to send back.
I wish the boxes were a little bigger but it does the job.
I probably won't use the other side but its magnetic so it's nice to have other options.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, easy, perfect, nice and size. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 11.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 443 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 7 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only thing i dislike is that this did not come with a dry erase pen as it states in the “what this product comes with” part of the description
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The board is decently made and doesnt bow or anything and nothing is loose or wobbly or anything like that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wish there was like a cup or something for the extra markers but we wound up just using one of those little sunglasses bags and that worked great
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So if you were hoping to use the included hardware you need to be prepared to make some holes in your walls
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As a result have not tried to hang it yet
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was cautiously wrapped for shipping
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We had a key board about this size but it took up the whole space left no room for a calendar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have ours hanging up with command strips but you can permanently attach to the wall with included screws
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