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Pros & Cons
Magnesium helps keep things regular, as well as helping muscles relax at the end of the day. Made me feel less anxious in social settings where i would have normally been highly anxious. Good for anxiety or heart ❤️ palpitation. Very relaxing. Helps m... Read More
If you have issues with irregularity, this works. Will update. It's important to know all the magnesium.
The potency is fine and even taking 1 pill a day, (200mg) after about a week i noticed the difference in better sleep and joints. I take one tablet every night around 9pm, which is 200mg and half of the recommended dose.
Started developing *, uncontrollable hives on belly and backside. These things are an inch long and and half an inch wide in the middle! Plus they have toxic fillers. This is not for me.
Very good product and good form of magnesium
Appears to be high quality and it works about as well as their description states (that is if your body needs extra magneseum t... Read More
Completely blown away by the results of taking this after 3 weeks.
So this pill is not little, and it is pressed not a capsule, so if you have a hard time swallowing you may want to cut it in half.
I’ve tried many other brands of magnesium glycinate, still the best one.
This is the best brand on the market if you want magnesium glycinate.
I saw lots of other products out there marketed as glycinate and they had oxide or citrate which are two of the worse!
If you have a thing about swallowing very large pills you might want to try a smaller brand but they are high quality and i fee... Read More
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- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 53.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,195 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is no good first of all its misleading about the milligrams
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Second of all it looks discolored
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But i could not get it they were out so i tried this one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im so sorry i didnt read the reviews
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been having more and more trouble and its because my magnesium is low
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Label indicates since 400 mg and that its magnesium glycinate 400 when you look on the back or on the information part it says oh but you have to take two pills to get for 100 mg
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My doctor recommended 800 mg a day for me and ive only been getting 400 im up in the middle of the night every night with charlie horses
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im only going to use this until the new purely holistic bottle comes and im going to have to double everything and im worried about the odd discoloration
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