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Pros & Cons
I take two of these babies at the onset of a headache and that's it. The directions for this product are unclear if they should be taken daily to prevent a migraine or as needed when i’m actively having a migraine. The pills are quite large and have a... Read More
This is the best over-the-counter medication i've found to stop an oncoming headache.
Migra defense is the only product to effectively reduce the severity and number of migraines.
I could not do anything physical, from mowing grass to exercise, and barely a day went by without a headache taht often turned ... Read More
I have only had one migraine or severe headache since starting migradefense and that was within a couple of days of starting it.
The 1st bottle i purchased from my local health food store for $25 which was still worth it considering the length of time i sp... Read More
I paid a ton of money on a retainer for tmj because once again this was the cause and the retainer would fix the problem-no relief.
Good price for combination of migraine supplementation
It is way way cheaper than medical interventions and its side effects are actually beneficial.
At first i took them when i was desperately rummaging through a health food store on day 2 of one of the worst migraines i have ever had.
After these, will let's just say that i filled my last prescription right before i got these and i just took my last pill this week.
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every, found, prescription and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 76.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 101 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 23 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive gotten migraines since i was 8 years old
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was on many different prescriptions with no relief
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I went from 23 migraines a week to maybe 1 a month and when i do happen to get one it doesnt get as bad as they used to
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Take time to work and ive only had them a few days
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
By month two i was down from 2025 to 45 migraines a month
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I suffer from occasional headachesmigraines
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I hate taking tylenolibuprofen so i have tried all the natural headaches remedies out there and most don’t work for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The rx meds are no good at all
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