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Pros & Cons
The queen of choreography shares secrets for living purposefully and energetically as the years pass. This book has much more energy per page - high voltage twyla. Tharp is a national treasure.
She ‘as age becomes reality, i think we start to retreat, we retract.
I think this resonated with me because i just turned 50 a month ago and my body is no longer as young as my mind wants it to be. Underlying every word is an acknowledgment of the hard "i'm getting old" ageless in his dedication and engagement with the... Read More
Stamina is your bailiwick. Get stronger for the mending. It does that in *.
There is a lot of positive thinking and inspirational talk but little that is new. The book contains no photographs or illustrations and little practical, helpful advice about staying physically healthy. Her interview in the ny times and the publisher... Read More
Ageless in his dedication and engagement with the here and now.
Read and move on with the master, you are not alone.
’ i said, ‘forget it with the feeling.
Twyla tharp is a force of nature!
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 560 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 13 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The first was written by two italians who wondered why so many japanese live to be 90
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also i think to read this you are at least expected to be approaching 45 with dread
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While i appreciate tharp’s love of life there is something to be said for a companion approach of the japanese concept of “igikai” a more reflective mindset encouraging a comprehensive appreciation of the here and now to understand the pleasures and meaning of life
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Though tharp’s book is comfortable to read i found myself skimming the last few chapters because i wanted to get to the key points faster
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sometimes the explanations seem to slow the flow
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Or maybe i need to pick the pace
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Her message is stripped down to the essentials
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