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I havent had any trouble with sound quality.
You won't be disappointed in the sound.
The s3 is good for listening to speech, but has poor sound quality for music.
If sound quality is your number one priority and the only priority (above looks, build quality, extras) then go for the s4 version i.
Great sound at a very reasonable price.
Excellent for the price, nice lows and highs .
My originals did have thin cords and the part around the bottoms did crack, but i just super glued back together and have had t... Read More
For the price, these are the best in-ear headphones i've used and rival some of the more expensive couple-hundred dollar headph... Read More
I have had these for four years and they've stood the test of time to become the best iems i've ever owned.
Hands down, this is one of the best pairs of earbuds in the world, at half the price of competitors like beats and bose.
For the price, probably the best headphones on the market.
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great, quality, good, bass and fit. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 899 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 18 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They cancel noise expertly and stay in my ears comfortably
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Overall good pair of headphones if you arent looking for anything too special
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These are the best sounding ear buds ive found
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive owned several pairs and frequently within 6 months the cord will start to separate at the jack
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At first you can hold it in a certain position and it will play through both ears and eventually it will stop working altogether
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They seem to have solved this problem with the r6s and they also reduced the warranty time period from 2 years to one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While i give them credit for great customer service going a few weeks every few months without decent earbuds becomes irritating
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However these earbuds are so fantastic that theyre worth it
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