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Pros & Cons
The only downside to this brush is that the hair sometimes escapes when i try to remove it from the brush. I have two cats, and one loves to be brushed, and the other one hates it!
My cats absolutely go bananas for it. It fits the hand better. Arrived next day, even with a 2 day shipping from prime.
My cat sheds a ton but gets fussy if i use tools that pull too hard on her fur, like the furminator.
I am very pleased that finally, there is a product he will allow us to use! It really is amazing. Great product.
This brush is the only brush over the 12 years that my chihuahua likes. This brush allows the agility necessary to brush his little body. It's the only brush that my siberian cat likes, and the only one that gets through those 3 layers of coat.
This brush is not good for the human since it doesn't trap the hair, they just go everywhere on your couch and on the floor or wherever you are brushing your kitty. It is very soft rubber which rips very easily when chewed. Not good for shedding on ta... Read More
Even its naming is ostentatious with the all caps name. This is not as sturdy as i expected either. Guess my cat's defective.
Easy to use, and really helps with the shedding problem.
It does a good job removing the excess fur, is easy to clean, and kitties love it .
The hair is full of static at that point and flies around as you pull it off the brush, sending fine hairs all over if you don’... Read More
Many months later, he will let me brush him with the thing hard enough to get hair off and for a few minutes before he has had ... Read More
99 each and current price elsewhere the same.
This version is at about what i paid for the original dog one.
However, i saw this rather inexpensive brush & so i decided to give it a try!
I can’t find the dog one i bought a couple of years ago, and they’re now double the price.
Also, my cat likes this brush better than any other brushes and i have tried about 4 so far.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
easy, brushed, long, clean and tried. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 3,374 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 22 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only con is that my cats hair didn’t stay on the brush
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have tried several different brushes for my patty
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However after buying several different kinds i was ready to give up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was using a regular persons brush
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not so much when i go against the grain but they tolerate that important step well
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive had this for 8 years
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its the only brush that my siberian cat likes and the only one that gets through those 3 layers of coat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Denser brushes will get stuck on long frizzy hair
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